Gaur egungo antropologiaren inguruko ikerketek adierazten dutenez, gizakia beste animaliengandik bereizten duten zenbait elementuren artean sormena, abstrakzioa eta irudimena bezalako gaitasunak dira. Horiek guzti horiek dira, hain zuzen ere, arte deitu izan den ekimenaren jatorrizko tresna batzuk.
Nire helburua blog honetan ikasle eta irakasleentzat materiala ipintea da; denon artean euskeraz dagoena gehitzeko, eta ez dagoena beste hizkuntzetan ikusi gero egokitzeko.
This documenatly film is a hard history for me. See a lot of imigrants in the Greek sea and many of them are crying because your families die. Jon Hernandez
When I see this documentary I felt sad, because is so difficult to see how a lots of inmigrants cry and how they go to Greek for a new life. Unax Rodriguez
ResponderEliminarThis documenatly film is a hard history for me. See a lot of imigrants in the Greek sea and many of them are crying because your families die.
EliminarJon Hernandez
they are so brave, but it's sad to watch them like that
ResponderEliminarit´s so terrible, the people are very scared.
ResponderEliminarIt is very sab, but is the realy
they are so brave to get it her and his dream.
ResponderEliminariñigo rosado
this video is sad...I don´t like to see people do this ...I hate the wars .
ResponderEliminarit´s so dangerous for them, they are so breve for do that.
ResponderEliminarWhen I see this documentary I felt sad, because is so difficult to see how a lots of inmigrants cry and how they go to Greek for a new life.
ResponderEliminarUnax Rodriguez
It is very sad.